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Comprehensive Kindergarten Lesson Plans: Over 80 Monthly Lessons Aligned with Ontario FDK Curriculum & U.S. Common Core Standards


 Ontario FDK 

Homeschool and US COMMON CORE Curriculum Alignment 

Introducing our comprehensive lesson plan Monthly packages designed specifically for kindergarten teachers, homeschoolers, and those new to teaching kindergarten! This all-in-one resource is packed with everything you need to deliver engaging and effective lessons to your students.

Let's explore what's included:


  • WATCH IT! Clickable Lesson Cards: With just a click, access pre-recorded lessons led by experienced teachers. Watch as the teacher guides you through each step, offering valuable vocabulary, strategies, and hints along the way. Perfect for homeschooling or for new teachers seeking guidance in delivering effective kindergarten lessons.


  • READ IT! Lesson Plan Cards: Step-by-step lesson plans in printable format. Simply print and follow along, eliminating the need to write out plans from scratch. Ideal for those moments when you need a quick lesson plan or when you have a supply teacher covering your class.


  • Read Aloud List: A carefully curated list of engaging and relevant books that complement the learning skills and big ideas covered in each lesson. Enhance your students' literacy skills and foster a love for reading.
  • Centres List: A compilation of exciting and educational centers to incorporate into your monthly curriculum. These centers will provide hands-on experiences for your students, promoting exploration, creativity, and critical thinking.
  • Sensory Recipes: Get ready to engage your students' senses with our collection of sensory recipes. From playdough to slime, these recipes will add a tactile and interactive element to your lessons, making learning even more memorable.

  • Printables and Worksheets: While our focus is play-based learning, we understand the need for some printables and worksheets. You'll find a selection of high-quality resources to support your lessons, ensuring a balanced approach to instruction.


Bonus Materials: As an added bonus, we provide extra materials to enhance your teaching experience throughout the month. These resources could be additional activities, templates, or helpful tools to support your lessons and classroom management.



The Science of Reading emphasizes understanding the cognitive processes involved in learning to read. We incorporate these activities based on the Science of Reading principles in our Literacy Program of our FULL MONTHS. 

  • Phoneme Segmentation Fun
  • Grapheme-Phoneme Mapping
  • Decodable Text Reading
  • Interactive Writing
  • Syllable Sorting
  • Morpheme Exploration
  • Fluency Practice with Timed Reads
  • Vocabulary Web
  • Comprehension Checks with Think-Alouds
  • Sight Word Memory Game
  • Interactive Phonics Games

  • Reading Reflection Journals

Incorporating the Science of Reading into classroom activities ensures that students receive structured, evidence-based instruction that caters to all aspects of the reading process. It's about ensuring every student can decode words, understand their meaning, and engage deeply with texts.



Hands-On Learning with Manipulatives:

Use tangible objects like counting bears, beads, or blocks to teach basic counting, addition, and subtraction.

Number Lines:

Display a number line in the classroom. Use it to teach counting, number recognition, and basic addition or subtraction.

Real-Life Connections:

Relate math to everyday experiences. For example, use snack time for grouping and sharing exercises or measure items in the classroom.

Games and Play-Based Learning:

Integrate math into games like dice games, board games, or card games to make learning enjoyable and interactive.

Interactive Storytelling:

Use stories that integrate math concepts. For example, "Five monkeys were on a bed. One fell off. How many are left?"

Songs/Rhymes/Fingerplays and  Chants:

Songs like "Five Little Ducks" or "Ten in the Bed" reinforce counting forwards and backwards.

Patterns and Sequences:

Use coloured beads, shapes, or stickers to create and recognize patterns, fostering early algebraic thinking.

Spatial Awareness Activities:

Puzzles, building blocks, and sorting games enhance spatial reasoning and classification skills.

Visual Representation:

Graphs, charts, and drawings can help visualize math problems and concepts. Even simple bar graphs of classroom data (like the number of students with pets) can be enlightening.

Math Centres:

Rotate Learners through different math-themed stations, allowing them to explore various concepts in small groups or pairs.

Routine Integration:

Integrate numeracy into daily routines. Count the days on a calendar, use a clock to tell time, or measure ingredients for a classroom cooking project.

Frequent Repetition and Review:

Revisit concepts regularly to reinforce memory and understanding.

Positive Reinforcement:

Praise effort and achievement to foster a positive attitude towards math.

Math Journals:

Even in kindergarten, students can draw pictures to represent math problems or concepts they've learned.

Collaborative Group Work:

Encourage students to work together on math problems, fostering discussion and shared problem-solving.

Open-Ended Questions:

Encourage deeper thinking by asking questions like, "How did you get that answer?" or "Can you think of another way to solve it?"


OUR ARTS/SCIENCE/PLAY BASED PROGRAM  is carefully planned to scaffold off of LITERACY and NUMERACY. Integrating art and science through play-based strategies in kindergarten not only stimulates creativity but also fosters a natural curiosity about the world.

OUR STEAM PROGRAM is included in each month and is connected closely with the key concepts learned. 

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) in kindergarten plays a crucial role in early childhood education, laying the foundation for lifelong learning, critical thinking, and innovative problem-solving. Here are some reasons why STEAM is particularly important at this developmental stage:

Fostering Curiosity:

Kindergarten is a time when children are naturally curious about the world around them. STEAM activities capitalize on this innate curiosity, encouraging children to ask questions, explore, and experiment.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills:

Through STEAM, children engage in problem-solving. They learn to think critically, make predictions, test their ideas, and draw conclusions based on their observations.

Building Confidence:

STEAM projects often involve trial and error. By persevering through challenges and celebrating successes, children build confidence in their abilities.

Encouraging Creativity:

The "A" in STEAM stands for Art, which reminds educators of the importance of creativity in the learning process. Children express themselves, innovate, and see the interconnectedness of artistic expression and more analytical subjects.

Laying the Foundation for Future Learning:

Early exposure to STEAM subjects can pave the way for continued interest and achievement in these areas as children progress through their schooling.

Enhancing Motor Skills:

Many STEAM activities in kindergarten involve hands-on work, which helps develop fine motor skills. Whether it's building, drawing, or using tools, these skills are fundamental in early childhood development.

Promoting Collaboration:

STEAM projects often require teamwork. Through collaboration, children learn to communicate their ideas, listen to others, and work together toward a common goal.

Integration of Multiple Disciplines:

Instead of viewing subjects as isolated disciplines, STEAM shows how they are interconnected. This holistic approach to learning reflects real-world situations and challenges.

Making Learning Relevant and Fun:

STEAM activities are often project-based, allowing children to see the real-world relevance of what they're learning. When children see the purpose behind tasks, their engagement and motivation often increase.

Supporting Diverse Learners:

STEAM activities cater to various learning styles. Whether a child is a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner, STEAM offers diverse methods to understand concepts.

"By incorporating STEAM into kindergarten curricula, educators not only tap into children's natural inquisitiveness but also equip them with essential skills that will serve them in school and beyond. In a world that increasingly values adaptability, innovation, and interdisciplinary understanding, STEAM education in the early years is more crucial than ever."


"Thank you Sweet Little Learners – A plus! Blown away by how many goodies are packed into your bundles of learning. From lesson plans to center ideas and sensory recipes to booklists and report card comments, there is so much value! I really like that each lesson is given to you in two ways: written form and video presentation, so I can choose what option fits best with how I learn! A blank template is also provided so I can get creative with the lesson and add my own personal teacher flare! As an educator, I understand that my students have differentiated ways of learning, and that doesn’t stop just because I’m now the teacher! I love the written lesson plan because I can print and go! Perfect to have in my supply binder, too. And I like the video presentations for each lesson because I can see what it looks like in action! The video presentations of each lesson are a great help for newly graduated educators with flow of the lesson, prompts, timing, vocabulary, etc. Highly recommend!"

- Katie Mullis FDK Teacher

With our comprehensive lesson plan package, you'll have all the resources you need to deliver engaging and effective lessons in a stress-free and time-saving manner. Say goodbye to the overwhelming task of planning and hello to a well-structured and enjoyable learning experience for you and your students.


