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Subitize Instant No Prep Centres and Activities for Pre-School and Kindergarten


 Fun activities to learn and practice Subitze.


Subitize- The skill of identifying the number of things in a set by looking at them- not rote counting (one by one)


1. Dice Flaschards

Use as a whole group lesson, Practice in pairs, Hang around the room for a bell ringer count the room activity!

2. Dot Groupings- use a flashcards, hide the numbers at the bottom and have students practice then flip us and see if they were correct! Laminate for white board use at a centre.

3. 10 frames- 3 ways!

4. Count and clip cards for subitizing- great centre- use clothespins or loose parts to cover the correct number.

5. Picture Groupings- use a flashcards, hide the numbers at the bottom and have students practice then flip us and see if they were correct! Laminate for white board use at a centre.

Grade Levels

PreK - 1st and Homeschool


Math and Numbers


K.CC.C.7, K.CC.A.2, K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, and K.CC.C.6

Resource Type

Homeschool Curricula, Activities, and Printables

Formats Included



32 pages